Saturday, June 7, 2014

Journal Entry 2

Today's training took FOREVER. We learned about CPR, First Aide, & all that good important stuff. I chickened out doing the lifeguard test even though I specifically wanted to make a change in myself  by not letting me get in my way of what I am capable of accomplishing. It's mostly my own fear, indecision, and lack of confidence that gets in the way. I NEED TO STOP THAT. This should definitely be a new summer goal of mine. Anyways, by the end of the day we were all so exhausted by all the training, but we ended the day with a staff BBQ @ the A-Frame. While waiting for the food to finish up/be cooked I got introduced to Raisin (Katie/best person EVER) & she taught us how to play thumbs, toaster/elephant/rabbit, & something else called Looky Shoes. After that, we were surprised with lame group games & a meeting that lasted into the cold night. We're all a little worried about how camp will go this year with all these crazy rules, but where there is such a great will to have fun there is, or I will find, a way to may it happen. Let's see what tomorrow holds. :) 
~I also got a chance to call mom & dad & Alex for her birthday
~Also the day Potato got his camp name :)