Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Journal Entry 5

Staff projects with Josh #1 which involved moving folder after folder of file from the office above the barn down to the storage cottage (I believe it's called), & I finally got to pet one of the cats! (Which is strictly forbidden, but I couldn't resist!) After that we learned how to operate the Minechute which was so much fun & brought out the kid in me. :) After that we really didn't know what else to do, so we pretty much did whatever Josh could think of and went on a tour around camp. BUT THE BEST OF ALL WAS THAT I FINALLY ZIP-LINED FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!!! :D I was so nervous but it was so cool! I also fished for the first time & caught two. By the end of the night we were all pretty much exhausted, but I ended the night listening to all the crazy stories that Freddie, Miranda, Mendez, & Morgan, who joined in at the end of the night, had to tell. It was a day of first & bringing out the child in me & also getting to better know my staff members.
~Gaga ball & Fingerprinting