Monday, June 9, 2014

Journal Entry 4

Doctor Physicals/ Drug Tests were today. I made a complete ass of myself when I misheard him & did what was really more of skating motion towards him & accidentally followed him into another room. After we were done we came back and had lunch where we then had a really long & tiring program staff meeting/ information overload day. We took breaks in between, but after dinner we were allowed to have the day off. I came back to my cabin to read "If I Stay" & ended up taking a really long & needed nap. We just finished the day with a camp fire playing mind game & I got to know a lot more about Sean, his wife, & the birth of their new baby girl. I also did laundry for the first time here even though it took me and Miranda forever to figure out how to open the shed. The fact that the night ended with country music playing and all us of gathered together & just being with one another strengthened the bonds that we have. Hopefully this proves that we are a great team. Tomorrow the head hanchos come so we'll see how that goes & I might go zip-lining for the first time too.