Friday, June 27, 2014

Week Four Readings

Living Faith

A Worlview from the Margins

Principle of Marginality: those "who live in, between, and beyond" the boundaries of race, culture, class, and the like. - Sociologist Charles V. Willie

Race-Transcending Prophets: people who operate in both the worlds of racial oppression and privilege and who never lose contact with their own particularity, yet refuse to be confined to it. -Cornel West

"Transformation requires the sacrifice of assumptions and humility of spirit."

"Do whites really have the right to affirm God's death when they have actually enslaved men in God's name? It would seem that unless whites are willing to endure the pain of oppression, they cannot authentically speak of God."  


How Can I Help?

The Listening Mind

“Our awareness is present and encompasses all our thoughts, feelings, and sensations; yet it is not the same as them.” What am I then if I am not a collection of all I experience all those moments that lead me into becoming the person I am? Is there something deeper? Is it my soul?

“We see that we need not identify with each thought just because it happens to occur. We can remain quiet and choose which thought we wish to attend to. And we can remain aware behind all these thoughts, in a state that offers an entirely new level of openness and insight.” <<<Something I also struggle with, not letting my mind wander or letting all those negative thoughts bring me down.

“You can’t get too caught up in it all. You step back, get as much of the picture as possible, and you play it moment to moment.”