Friday, July 18, 2014

Week Seven Readings

Living Faith

Aung San Suu Kyi: "A Revolution of the Spirit"

"It is never easy to convince those who have acquired power forcibly of the wisdom of peaceful change."
"The sight of such a young boy offering up his life was too much even for soldiers used to killing."

How Can I Help?


“This is the final act of service: to acknowledge and honor the integrity of another being as they, like us, pass through the beauty and the pain of a human birth.”

“The pain of the world will sear and break our hearts because we can no longer keep them closed.” We’ve seen too much now. To some degree or other, we have surrendered into service and are willing to pay the price of compassion.

“To give and to give and to give, and to know that is my riches. There is no tomorrow here. There is only today and what God asks me to do today.” Pastor Joseph