Friday, July 25, 2014

Week Eight Readings

Living Faith


The Ethics of Revolution


Bonheffer: He embraced his freedom by upsetting the values of the Nazi regime
Malcom X: Was the "dynamite of the human society." 
Aung San Suu Kyi: A revolutionary of the spirit and in her amazing ability to always reach out with love to those who persecute her.

"If the system in place cannot produce freedom for all members of the society, then a change is called for."

"The purpose of a revolution is to abolish the present status quo and to attempt to replace it with a qualitatively different one. The aim of a revolution is a just society based on new relationships of production & an end to the domination of some countries by others, of some social classes by others, of some people by others."

"Mystic-activists have something in common with everyone else- they are human, for better of for worse. Although they may believe God calls them, they do not consider themselves perfect humans. They struggle with human fraity."

Aime Cesaire wrote in Discourse on Colonialism: "A civilization that proves incapable of solving the problems it creates is a decadent civilization. A civilization that chooses to close its eyes to its most crucial problems is a stricken civilization. A civilization that uses its principles for trickery and deceit is a dying civilization."

How Can I Help?

Reprise: Walking Each Other Home

“Perhaps we see our deepest yearnings reflected in others, and this encourages us to believe in our own purity and beauty.” Everywhere I look, I see beauty in everyone.

“We can, of course, help through all that we do. But at the deepest level we help through who we are.”

“We are in the world but not of the world. We are part of the formless but are in form. We exist beyond the polarities of positive and negative, dark and light, good and evil, pleasure and pain, yin and yang; but we function under their cloak as well. Even our perspective of separateness has changed. For while it may indeed be a ‘delusion of consciousness,’ even this delusion seems part of a greater order.”

Journal Entry 17

  • Hiking to the tree house with Abigail: Rainy day, old zip-line & climbing wall, Shannon's tree, selfies with Camp Oakes sign.
  • Dancing in the dining hall
  • Grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup
  • My own Rag ceremony: Gigi, Raven, Diana, & Kyle, sunflowers, ocean breeze scented candle, Kyle's prayer, Gigi's kind words, crying & laughing, counseling with Raven by the fisherman's cabin.
  • McDonald's with Miranda, Justin, Abby, & me: Exploding chocolate frap, 21 questions, saying what we liked about each other.
  • Surprising mom and dad by showing up at home
  • Hiking with mom, Ernie, Dominic, & Gpa
  • Watching Mean Girls with Raylene & Abby
  • Salem Christian Homes, Michael & Miss Theodora <3
  • Getting a cat!
  • Running over bubble wrap with golf cart
  • Painting targets for archery
  • Building a swing with Diana
  • Riding the golf cart
  • Fun adventures with Miranda & the golf cart
  • Day Camp
  • Rainy days and thunderstorms