Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Treasured Pictures

 A picture taken on a rainy day after a hike I did with my friend Abigail to go find this "secret" tree-house that one of our older coworkers named Tony, who has been working at Camp Oakes for 19 years, built with some other coworkers during any free time they had. After a while we found it and hiking through the San Bernandino mountains was beautiful. We came back soaking wet but it was worth it.
Two of my favorite guys this summer Josh McMeans (one of my bosses)  and Dougie (Though he has cerebral palsy he is a beloved camper at Camp Oakes who stays with us for about 4 weeks during the summer to help out). They filled my days with laughter and happiness. I really miss them.
Some campers from Armed Services who came up the last week who I just loved! Their cabin group was called the Bubble Guppies and whether it be canoes, arts & crafts, or dance, they were so respectful and definitely one of my favorite groups to come up this summer. They painted and signed a tree cookie for me to put on my rag so I could remember them.
My favorite part about camp, the dances.

To my left is Raylene (Camp Name Sassaphrass or Sazzles) and to my right is Diana (Camp Name Princess Diana/Alphabet/Brownies "Brown-Knees"). These two girls meant so much to me this summer and I got the opportunity to be their councilors and the honor to tie their blue rags. It was an emotional experience for both of their rag ceremonies and am so fortunate to have met such amazing ladies. I love them both dearly. <3
The La Verne Girls. We came as strangers who only shared the college we went to and left as close friends sharing an amazing summer together.

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